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Join us in ushering in a new era of change for America

Donating to is a great way to Take Action and help the Coalition. We're all about creating lasting change, and that starts with you. Your donations are essential for us to reach the large numbers of people necessary to make a real impact in restoring the American Dream. We believe that every person has the ability to help bring about positive change, so remember, your donation, no matter how small, can make all the difference.

Your donations are going directly towards creating the infrastructure necessary to accomplish our goal of bringing millions together in a unified voice. Without your help, wouldn’t be able to reach the numbers it needs to make a real difference. So donate today and join us in ushering in a new era of change for America. Thank you for your support!

Donate to the Coalition for Political Evolution

You can safely and securely donate using PayPal or with a Debit or Credit Card. Your donations to The Coalition for Political Evolution are not tax deductible at this time, but they do go directly towards our mission of restoring the American Dream. Every donation makes a difference and we thank you for your support!