Take Action

2020Whatsnext.org is your platform for making democracy work. Join us today and make your voice heard.

Network today...grow the network...build excitement!

Taking Action is easy; your help is appreciated. Become a passive or active supporter today. Resources are available in the store for promotional and educational purposes.

Currently there are two levels of support:

Passive support: may spread the word, donate, purchase from store, and more.
Active support: may spread the word, donate, purchase from the store, also organize events*, coordinate with other supporters, provide online support, and more.

Please e-mail info@2020Whatsnext.org 30 days prior to your event. Discounted and or free resource materials may be available for your event.

* Events by design promote “Democracy Do Over”; they are required to be peaceful and conform with laws, rules, and regulations. Initially, events will be at the sole discretion of organizers. Organizers are given personal autonomy to the greatest extent possible; however, organizers are required to be an American Citizen, not a fugitive from the law, and have never been convicted of a felony. In the future, as the network matures, sanctioned events will continue to maintain required focus.

We are looking for passionate, committed individuals to volunteer at the Community, State, and Federal levels.

If you are ready to make a difference, now is your chance.

Sign Up And Take Action

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a volunteer?

Simply fill in the form above and tell us how you can best help the coalition in the comments section and hit send. A representative will get back to you and set you up as a much needed volunteer.

What should I know before I apply?

We ask that you read the contents of this website so you have a clear understanding of our mission and the vision we have to make conditions better for the United States of America.

Will doing nothing make the status quo better?

Obviously doing nothing only opens the door for more abuse and corruption. Knowing your options, getting involved and taking action are key to getting things done.

How do I Spread awareness about volunteering?

By becoming a passive supporter you can spread the word to your friends, family and other concerned Americans through social media. There will also be other opportunities we'll go over with you as an active supporter. Sign up and we'll contact you with further details.

Can I support the Coalition by donating money?

We can always use your support by receiving your donations. Any and all amounts are very much appreciated. Donations can be made by going to the donate page.

By joining us today, you are taking an important step in helping us realize the focused agenda of the Coalition.