
2020Whatsnext.org is your platform for making democracy work. Join us today and make your voice heard.

Join today and be the change you want to see in the world.

Together, indeed, people will create real and lasting change.

About 2020WhatsNext.org

Together, we can make democracy work for everyone. 2020WhatsNext.org is dedicated to rallying people together around a common vision: Democracy Do Over. We believe that citizens have the power and responsibility to create and maintain a just, equitable, and sustainable society. We strive to provide resources that will help people make their voices heard, challenge the status quo, and inspire creative solutions to the problems we face.

Many of the problems in the United States like corporate control of government, the vanishing middle class, insane medical costs, rising health insurance costs, rising educational costs, attacks on the elderly and defenseless, and rising homelessness continue to crush our over-all welfare. Our goal is to empower people with the knowledge and tools necessary to restore the American Dream and people’s voice in government.

We believe that through collaboration and collective action, real change is possible. With Democracy Do Over, we strive to educate citizens on their rights, encourage civic engagement, and empower people to create meaningful change in their communities. Together, we can achieve a more just and equitable society for all.

About 2020WhatsNext.org – Rejecting the status quo

The status quo of the current regime continues to propagate a cycle of planned citizen discord and decreasing welfare. This status quo is supported by citizens who continue to place faith in political parties and leaders, despite their limited ability to effect change. Unfortunately, this status quo has resulted in millions of people being deprived of their right to pursue happiness.

In order to break out of this cycle, simple solutions must be found and implemented. However, it is not always easy to pass these solutions into legislation, as the status quo remains entrenched due to the power of political actors. It is therefore paramount that citizens come together and demand change from those in positions of power. We must all work together towards creating a new status quo that is more conducive to the welfare and happiness of all citizens. Only then will we be able to break free from the current status quo and build a brighter future for ourselves.

Together we can make it happen

We have an opportunity to reject the status quo and create a better, more equitable system for us all. Together, we can make a difference. Let us take the first step towards creating a better status quo and advocating for lasting change. We all deserve the chance to pursue our own version of happiness, and it is up to us to ensure that happens!