Be Not Afraid

Are people truly powerless?

First published 02/05/23 As amended 03/18/2023

The feeling of being powerless can be a challenge to overcome if you factor in the possibility of retribution. To the establishment’s credit, powerlessness has been deeply pounded into the minds of the dispensable working class. This feeling of being powerless continues to be grown by sinister psychological roadblocks to action created by relentless brainwashing including the “Golden rule” which teaches “those with the gold, make the rules.” These self-appointed demigods are not willing to give up one dime of their ill-gotten gains. To the people’s credit, greed hasn’t worked for humanity since the beginning of time.

Irrefutably, corporations and the wealthy elite’s new world order agenda have decimated any sense of security and crushed the American Dream. Most main-street media and its army of spinsters continue to sell their souls spouting balderdash to divert attention away from genuine issues important to people. For a very long time, this global agenda has been testing, using, and fine tuning their weapons of psychological influence to perpetuate their cause. The cause of which has crushed the American dream, removed any sense of security, and invited the sale of American soil to the highest foreign bidders to name a few.

To people’s credit, the history of social movements has shown that when enough people have stood united in mass for a common cause they can change the “status quo”. These grassroots movements fixed failed policy to reshape history and improve millions of lives. Women’s rights, Civil rights, and the right to vote illustrate the power of people when they unite in mass. Change is possible; it remains in the hands of the people. advocates for justice, human rights, and for the restoration of an American Dream. “Democracy Do Over” is presented to the general consciousness for the peaceful transition of power into the hands of the people. Placing more importance on people may likely require Constitutional Amendments. Challenging the status quo with political evolution presents a new way of dealing with the growing- longer list of grievances and then focuses on solutions to restore power to the people.

Decisive peaceful action is required to “dissolve the political bands” that currently oppose American’s sense of security, the American Dream, and citizen’s just representation in government. History is full of ideas that were laughed at; it is also full of ideas that started as fantasy and have now become reality. Let the brave among us move forward with Democracy Do Over with growing support from hundreds of million displaced working class, displaced and forgotten veterans, the elderly, struggling and angry citizens, and the homeless.

The idea of fixing what is broken in the system and then putting safeguards into place to prevent history from repeating itself is admirable and at this point justified. Participation in Democracy Do Over will fill you with a sense of purpose, it is meaningful, exciting, focused, and voluntary.