Required Constitutional Amendments
Required Constitutional Amendments:
Worldwide, people are awakening to the fact that the current global regime cares very little about them, if at all. Governments around the world continue to minimize and neglect the basic needs of their subjects, citizens, or working class while simultaneously making them more dependent on government. Currently, as the corrupted government in the United States unfolds it can be labeled as Corrupt Corporatism with dimensions of Oligarchy and Tyranny. Call it what you will, it’s not good and it’s getting worse.
The fact that you are reading indicates you are aware your idea for a better life conflicts with the current regime’s agenda. It has become painfully obvious that something needs to be done, yet you question reprisal from the totalitarian watchdogs for thinking such thoughts. Perhaps you think this is carefully planned class warfare, perhaps you tell yourself there is nothing people can do about it, perhaps you sit in disbelief as your sense of right and wrong is challenged daily, and perhaps with a dwindling sense of hope you gave up thinking about it.
Congratulations, this is what the current regime wants you to do. No!, this is what is expected of you while they may cook up more deadly viruses to kill you, create more false shortages, create meaningless wars, inflate prices on everything, increase taxes, and drive the divisions they can find or create between us deeper with each passing day!
The net effect of which keeps people angry, distracted, divided, and fearful, with the sinister intention to make everyone poorer and millions more dependent on government while using the threat of totalitarian measures to render the masses powerless.
The preamble to the constitution spells out the government’s obligation to the people
Preamble: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
What can be done to stop this global regime’s stranglehold?
There is only one simple solution; the only thing people can do is to assume the power to govern themselves. It would be foolish to think the controlling powerful corporations and the wealthy elite will ever be willing to return what they stole from us.
This new way of governing ourselves can absolutely happen when millions and millions of people in the United States demand the creation of a well crafted evolutionary unique random drawing for seats in the Senate and House. The specific design of which needs to be adopted by the people to amend the Constitution Article 1: Section 2 and 3, and Article 5. Perhaps, sooner than you think, there will be a national convention with ratification from 38 states. Let the rough drafts begin in earnest, put your thinking caps on!
Adding additional measures to impose term limits to a maximum of two terms for the House and Senate and then limiting corporate lobbying to equal that of an average citizen add future protections for the people. The implementation of term limits and a unique random drawing for political servants instantly dissolves the corrupted two-party system and maintains the integrity of the Constitution of the United States.
“Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence.”- Leonardo di Vince.
“We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.”-Albert Einstein
Be aware, be very aware!
Appropriate justification for an Evolutionary random drawing.
- The institution of a unique random drawing eliminates the corrupted two-party system.
When appropriately designed and adopted by the people, this unique evolutionary random drawing for political servants substantially lowers the percentage of psychopaths/sociopaths in government. Exact percentages of psychopaths and sociopaths currently in government is difficult to pinpoint; however, statistics will show the percentage of psychopaths in government is very high when compared to the general population. Politics has become a rich person’s playground. Politicians need not be actors, CEO’s, lawyers, politicians, surgeons, wealthy, or college graduates with advanced degrees.
A unique random drawing for government servants opens the door to a diverse field of candidates with a desire to improve the United States, an improved politician of character, possessing empathy, honesty, and integrity with a vision and ability to serve the people.
We live in an age of instant information, lists of candidates can be generated in seconds. Online questionnaires can be crafted to pre-screen the randomly drawn candidates. A second random drawing from the remaining candidates can be used to fill the seat(s) and then draw for first, second, and third alternate candidate.
The effects of this method of choosing politicians changes the status quo significantly. Expect: substantially more people participation in government, the reversal of many wrongs, and the constant vigilance required to maintain power in the hands of the people.
Appropriate justification for term limits.
- ·Term Limits eliminate career politicians; career politicians are subject to group think and bribery.
What causes groupthink?
Groups that prioritize their group identity and behave coldly toward “outsiders” may be more likely to fall victim to groupthink. Organizations in which dissent is discouraged1 or openly punished are similarly likely to engage in groupthink when making decisions. High stress is another root cause, as is time pressure that demands a fast decision.
Why can groupthink be dangerous?
Even in minor cases, groupthink triggers decisions that aren’t ideal or that ignore critical information2. In highly consequential domains—like politics or the military—groupthink can have much worse consequences, leading groups to ignore ethics or morals, prioritize one specific goal while ignoring countless collateral consequences, or, at worst, instigate death and destruction.
Source: Psychology Today Retrieved 2/22/2023.
1 Article 1 section 5 paragraph two: Each House may determine the rules of its Proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.
2 Critical information being what the people want, what is in their best interest. The people of the United States have a very long and getting longer list of grievances. How many can you think of?
In short, imposing term limits disrupts the required repetitive strong arming of individuals that, over time, turns many of them into self-seeking goons.
A substantial list of grievances and injustices has been identified.
“To move the world, we must move ourselves.”- Socrates.